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Vitamin B12 injections are an effective and proven treatment for patients with a deficiency of the vitamin. While there is much dispute vis-à-vis oral supplementation of cobalamin and nasal sprays are prescribed for these injections of classical and accepted remedy for a speedy recovery.
Patients with pernicious anemia with a regular dose of vitamin B12 injections treat. This is due to the fact that it can not be metenough vitamin B12 from their dietary food sources and therefore require intramuscular injections of the absorption of aid. Today, there are substitutes in the form of oral supplementation, however, doctors generally picks up on this classic treatment.
Research has shown sufficient evidence to show, cobalamin that injections of 1-2 mg per day can quickly fix deficiencies. It is not clear whether smaller amounts, as is 25 mcg or so found in multivitamins are sufficient to cure deficiencies. Such an assertion is supported by the fact that although oral supplementation with vitamin B12 is safe, efficient and cost-effective and most multi-vitamin pills contain 100-200 microgram of the cyanocobalamin form of B12 can, many multivitamins are not chewed, the is important for the absorption.
Include the ability of the body with vitamin B12 is reduced with increasing age. Older people have often recognized, a potent> Vitamin B12 deficiency, even in cases where they do not suffer from pernicious anemia. In addition, taking a supply of vitamin B12 from food significantly with age, probably due to a lack of stomach acid. The conventional way of fixing a vitamin B12 deficiency has been intramuscular injections. Experiments also show that vitamin B12 intramuscular injections useful healer of neurological disorders such as progressive memory lossand lethargy.
To the vitamin B12 status, the alternatives to high oral doses of cobalamin hold (500-1000 micrograms daily) routine intramuscular injections at a dose of 1 mg per month. This will also reduce the homocysteine levels in the blood, making the likelihood of heart disease and strokes.
The benefits of vitamin B12 is not restricted to cure deficiencies. Injections can also serve therapeutic purposes. A vitamin B12 injection serves as ana stimulant for energizing the body, by cobalamin, which transmits its "anti-stress elements for the human body. For example, a recommended effective cure for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is 6-70mg dose of vitamin B12 intramuscular injection weekly for 3 weeks.
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Hair and nails are very good indicators of the general health of the body. Any type of illness or stress is through the skin, hair and nail against. Hair and nails show symptoms such as brittleness, thinning, breaking, and the division as a neglected or when the body goes through extreme pressure conditions. Even if the body is deficient in essential nutrients, the hair and nails show the signs.
The diet is very important for the body. Although hair andFingernails are only dead cells, they are an important indicator of overall well-being of a person. Food for the body from the food that we take deduced. If the body does not receive the essential nutrients, or if he loses the ability to nutrients from the food they receive absorb, it causes the body to use internal resources. This leads to weakness in the body and is reflected in the skin, hair and nails. To have healthy hair and nails, it is very importanthas to consume food that produces some important vitamins such as vitamin A (healthy sebum in the scalp), vitamin C (antioxidant), vitamin E (improves circulation to the scalp), Biotin (produces Keratin), Inositol (keeps hair follicles healthy), Niacin (promotes scalp circulation) and pantothenic acid, para-amino benzoic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 that prevent graying and hair loss. Of these, vitamin E is to have a significant influence on theHealth not only hair but also skin and fingernails.
Most vitamins are food. The most common food-based sources of vitamins are: citrus fruits, green vegetables, fruits like pineapple, dried strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, peppers, cheese, vegetable oils, soybeans, raw seeds, beans, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, whole grains, eggs, liver, rice, milk, fish, turkey, chicken and red meat. Other nutrients are needed by the body proteins and minerals such as iron, calcium,Zinc, magnesium and essential fatty acids.
There are several products on the market today, as important vitamins for hair and nails. These will be in the form of oils, shampoos, gels, sprays, shampoos, lotions and creams. These are usually prescribed by specialists, but some are also on the counter. However, it is better to have a specialist before you consult with these products. In addition, there are hundreds of websites that provide information about these products. They can also be orderedonline.
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Vitamins are important to keep our bodies healthy and working properly. Most people think that multivitamins are important to keep the right amount of nutrients in our body, but it is possible to obtain a good level of vitamins just by eating a well balanced and healthy diet. Vitamins are found in foods and even in the sun! Yes, vitamin D process we thanks to the help of the sun. So, as we know, vitamin deficiency?
As you may know,There are different types of vitamins, named each of them with a letter. Each vitamin is also responsible for the support of certain body functions, so that the symptoms after the vitamin, we are currently lacking different. Let's take a look at the most common.
Vitamin D deficiency. Since this vitamin to help strengthen our bones and muscles will cause the symptoms of soft bone conditions. They are known as rickets in infants and children, osteomalacia inAdults and osteoporosis in older people.
Vitamin C deficiency. Low vitamin is produced in the first swollen gums, nosebleeds, weakness and fatigue. If it is ever to be separated, a condition to produce scurvy (scurvy symptoms include known) also irritability, pain and slow healing of wounds.
Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms. Among them we can find weakness and lethargy, with anemia, and in severe cases, dizziness, memory loss, neurological damage,Eye problems, hallucinations, headache, deafness, tinnitus, and enlargement of the liver and others.
Vitamin K. Symptoms include bleeding (internal bleeding and skin), and hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.
It is important to do regular check-ups to avoid all these defects of heavy forever.
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Goji Juice is the new miracle drink. His praise is sung all over the Internet (which is the only place to buy it right now). There are calls it on TV and it is as if the drink marketed to cure everything.
Goji juice is made from, according to Goji berries. These berries are found in the Himalayas and other mountains in China. The berries will contain a number of nutrients and elements that are responsible for the health of a person is crucial. TheBerries contain essential proteins, amino acids (nineteen different kinds), zinc, the (B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, the idea is to five hundred times more potent than vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits like oranges to find), vitamin E, copper -, fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, selenium and a variety of anti-oxidants. The berries are also said anti-fungal and antibacterial properties found in their cells.
Goji juice is soto:
Increase the metabolism of a person
Significantly increase a person's energy level
Boost a person's immune system
They regulate a person's blood pressure
Give support to the digestion of a person
Help improve a person's joints as a whole,
Help a person to ward off insomnia
Ease morning sickness in pregnant women
Strengthening the heart
Strengthen a person's memory
Clean the blood of a man
Help a person lose weight
To ease and facilitate palpitations,
Fight cancer cells
FightHepatitis B
Stop the aging process
The list of benefits for the people who drink this juice is offered is certainly long and impressive.
There are a number of benefits of drinking Goji juice, not least of which is the feeling you get when you think you are doing something good for your body. Just think you help yourself is sometimes the first step towards a healthier life.
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In dealing with angular cheilitis, we must understand that there are some connections between angular cheilitis and vitamin deficiency. In most cases this is not so much a relationship of cause and effect, but more of a feed in the other current state. That is, in the relationship between angular cheilitis and vitamin deficiency, it is not imperative that this deficiency causes this condition, but that it is the healing of hinder it. When our immune systemSystems chugging away at the task of healing, we ourselves, this approach consumes physical resources, and we just need to keep replenishing these vitamins in order to maintain our immune system to some extent the ability and strength.
Instead, there are five main important vitamins in this connection between angular cheilitis and vitamin deficiency, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), and Iron. While again a shortage of these vitamins are not the cause of this condition is reported that those who suffer, already a shortage of these vitamins are more prone to angular cheilitis to completion, it suffers from serious, with rapid progress of the disease.
Realizing this connection between angular cheilitis and vitamin deficiency, and we arm ourselves with these data, we can see how it would be quite useful to keep aware of our> Vitamin intake and keep it, either by adding, by making proper nutrition, or both. That's about the relationship between angular cheilitis and vitamin deficiency in a nutshell. Those who may suffer from this condition by eating food or drinking fluids that could benefit with these vitamins, as this can help strengthen their immune system to battle this condition made while the all treatments, which do their work unhinderedEnvironment.
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Recommended with vitamin C products across borders can cause stomach pains and diarrhea. Even if the body would be just about as much as it needs the vitamin, vitamin C overdose can prevent metabolic activity in the body.
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C in non-smoking adults is 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day for men. For smokers, the RDAs are 110 mg per day for women and 125 mg per day for men. A dose of 200Milligrams daily is almost enough to maximize plasma and lymphocytes.
A higher level of vitamin C are needed when under environmental stress such as trauma, fever or infection. Fully saturated with daily doses of 200-500 mg is reached a day (in 2-3 divided doses). This is a water-soluble protein, and nothing more excreted from the body. Vitamin C Overdose can cause diarrhea, gas or stomach discomfort. Other side effects may abdominal cramps, nausea andDiarrhea and an increased risk of kidney stones. Large amounts of vitamin C reduce the levels of copper, an essential nutrient. People with iron overload diseases must avoid Vitamin C Overdose, because it increases iron absorption. Special medical advice must be from people who have kidney stones. If a pregnant mother can take 6000 mg of vitamin C, the baby develop rebound scurvy by a sudden drop in daily intake. Hemochromatosis patients should nottake vitamin C with an improvement in the accumulation of non-heme iron in the presence of this vitamin.
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Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin, gives energy to our body by converting to carbohydrates (starches) into energy. It also helps to keep mucous membranes healthy and is very essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular and muscular system.
It is a water soluble vitamin, and thus the body needs a continuous supply of the vitamin from food. Very little of this vitamin is stored in the body, and the consumption of these > Going to happen vitamin may within 14 days.
Like a few other B vitamins, thiamin is also known as an "anti-stress vitamin" because it is assumed that the activity of the immune system to increase and improve the body's ability to endure tense conditions.
Thiamine is found in plants and animals and plays a crucial role in certain metabolic reactions in the body. Thiamine is especially important during exercise when the energy is brain drain.
Benefits> Vitamin B1 --
"Essential for the proper metabolism of sugar, carbohydrates, proteins and starch to provide energy - adenosine triphosphate (ATP) on the body.
"It helps maintain fit and a well-functioning nervous system and contributes to a proper functioning of the heart and muscles.
"Anti-stress vitamin and increases the activity of the immune system and improves the body's ability to be just too tense.
"Vitamin B1 improves bloodthe circulation, helps the blood.
"It's in the biosynthesis of a number of cell components, including the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is used.
"It is important for the production of hydrochloric acid, and therefore plays an important role in digestion.
It is also largely responsible for the proper functioning of the brain and may be better able to cope with depression. Helps with memory and learning.
"In some cases, it is said, in HelpArthritis, cataracts and infertility.
A deficiency of vitamin B1 --
A deficiency of vitamin B1 causes beriberi. Symptoms include swelling, tingling or burning sensation in the hands and feet, confusion, difficulty breathing through the fluid in the lungs and uncontrolled eye movements (called nystagmus).
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a mental disorder of thiamine deficiency. It's about neuronal damage to the central and peripheralNervous system and is caused by malnutrition, usually accompanied by regular consumption of alcohol. Korsakoff syndrome is characterized by memory loss. High doses of thiamine can easily improve faulty muscle coordination, but rarely improves the memory loss.
Cataracts - the people with plenty of protein and vitamin B1 in the diet are less likely to have cataracts develop.
Heart failure - thiamine deficiency may contribute to the development of heart failure(CHF). Eat a balanced, including thiamine, and avoiding things that this vitamin is depleted of vital importance, particularly in the early stages of CHF.
Alzheimer's disease - although not fully proven, but assumed that thiamine deficiency can lead to the disease through its effects on the brain and the symptoms that develop people, as a lack of thiamine. Deficiency can also extreme fatigue, irritability, constipation, edema (fluidRetention) and an enlarged liver.
The symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency --
"Bad memory
"Poor coordination of body parts
"Weak and sore muscles
"Changes in heart beat
"Accompanied by mood swings, irritability
"Incriminating breathing
, "Appetite
"Gastro-intestinal disorders
"Tingling in the feet
"Numbness of the hands and feet
«Severe weight loss
Whois prone to be deficient?
Thiamine deficiency is rare. However, a decline in vitamin B1 levels in the body is done automatically with age, regardless of health status.
"A deficiency is most common (in alcoholics Alcohol interferes with the absorption of thiamine through the intestines), all people whose body does not readily absorb the vitamin due to some work, and the food very poor nutrition.
It is also common in children with congenitalHeart disease.
"People with chronic fatigue are also vulnerable.
"The participants of the regular dialysis.
Dosage --
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is about 1.4 mg per day for men and women - about 1.0 mg per day. About 50 mg is usually used in addition.
This dosage is the minimum that you need per day, to ward off deficiency of the vitamin. Remember to keep the toxicity level in the eye.
Large doses (5,000to 10,000 mg), headaches, irritability, can have rapid pulse, and weakness
Sources of vitamin B1 --
Thiamine is found in both plant and animal sources.
Sunflower seeds, whole grain cereals, peanuts, wheat bran, whole wheat flour, wheat germ, sea fish, liver, egg yolk, beans all contain good amounts of thiamin
Vitamin B1 can also be found in multivitamins (including chewable and liquid drops for children) or vitamin B complex.
StoreVitamin B1 --
If you are the maximum possible vitamins from the diet - and then keep in the refrigerator for fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk and cereal away from strong light.
Water-soluble vitamins are easily destroyed and washed during preparation and storage. If you are taking supplements of vitamin B1 to store them at room temperature in a dry place that is free of moisture.
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Conditions such as eczema are closely linked to deficiency and related problems of food vitamin. This means that, according to research, it is possible to improve the symptoms of eczema by increasing intake of vitamin E by the overactive immune system that is for the condition. Vitamin E in a series of works is currently the responsibility of food, including eggs and vegetables. All in all, it is important to ensure a healthy and balanced diet,get the proper intake of vitamins. Vitamin E, in addition to all other vitamins in our diet is essential for the health and wellbeing of our body. For this reason alone Vitamin E is an essential part of any diet.
Vitamin E is considered to be far-reaching effects on the body and overall health. It has been through numerous clinical studies to reduce the likelihood of heart disease and strokes are connected, and a number of cancers, mainly on the basis ofdetoxifying properties. It is also thought that it also can improve the condition of suffering from arthritis and various respiratory diseases. It was also shown the effect of toxins encountered in the course of daily life to meet, and it is believed, for the cleaning of the body generally fantastic. It is also believed to play a significant part in a number of other conditions, from diabetes to have cataracts, making it a useful complement to a roundDiet.
Vitamin E is particularly useful for treating other infants and young children suffering from eczema and cradle cap, too, mainly because of its safe, natural composition. There are a number of topical creams and ointments to vitamin E, specifically for the treatment of eczema and other related diseases of the skin are determined. Most experts would recommend vitamin E-based applications such as the number one option for infants and children with skin problems and asa very viable option for adults suffering from this type of condition.
Many adults suffer from eczema and related conditions including vitamin E-based applications, as it many advantages. Vitamin E keeps the skin supplied with moisture, which prevents drying of the skin and reduces the need to have an itch. Additionally, make its antioxidant properties, is a popular destination for a number of adults suffer from these conditions.
To absorb by far the best methodVitamin E is by eating the right foods. Although it is possible, vitamins to increase your vitamin E intake, it is much more efficient if it is to eat vitamin E-rich foods, of course, better, right? In addition, you should always bear in mind that excessive consumption can lead to problems, as with all vitamins and can even be toxic in some cases.
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