Thursday, December 10, 2009

Vitamin D - The Role It Plays In Depression And Body Aches

There's so much hype about vitamin D in those days. Learn more about the role vitamin D plays in our body, how it affects depression, general body aches and pains, and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

What does vitamin D-Do?

Vitamin D has a definite role in the body. Its main function is to regulate the normal blood levels of phosphorus and calcium. Without calcium to your bones strong, they came, or become thin and brittle very prone to unnecessary illnesses such as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a major public health threat for an estimated 44 million Americans. Taking supplements of vitamin D along with calcium, is a step in the right direction to combat bone loss.

Vitamin D deficiency.

The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency rickets, and may include Ostomalacia. Skeletel deformities may be caused by rickets and osteomalacia in adults, is the side effects> Vitamin D levels too low and lead to muscle weakness and weak bones. Thus, the body pain.

The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency


Sometimes, unexplained body aches are symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D profoundly affects the brain and therefore can have a major impact on depression and seasonal affective disorder have. Be sure to ask your doctorthis change as the studies all the time.

Foods rich in vitamin D

Fish and fish oil
Milk products
Fortified foods

You can make sure there are many of these foods in your diet regularly and get at least 15 minutes of sun per day, if possible.

Some studies show vitamin D can help to fight cancer and other diseases. As this is a lets hope you do not want too much vitamin D, since this can lead to takingis made to the above complaints and beyond, if it is misdiagnosed can add additional symptoms that confuse the doctor to find the real diagnosis.

Vitamin D's role in depression, general body aches and pains due to muscle weakness, and it's possible role in many diseases is exciting and can be managed sensibly. Try 15 minutes of sunshine, if possible, without getting sun, eat, vitamin D-rich foods and supplements with your doctorAdvice.

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